Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 18

This morning I said good-bye to Matt and Megan. It was so great to see them, and I finally got to meet Stoli. My visit with them was way too short, and also cut a day shorter by the flat tire. 
Here my bike is all packed ready to go in front of his house.
I met up with the other three amigos about 1030 this morning, and we were soon back on the road together again.  We took Route 14 on the Washington State side of the Columbia River Gorge. The day started out as overcast and foggy, and we were unable to see Mount Hood thru the fog.  There where some spectacular views, but the day turned very windy and riding on this road became a challenge at times for about 80 miles and I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have liked.   We turned north on Route 82 heading towards Spokane, but stopped into town of Pasco Washington for the night.  
Although my time with Matt and Megan was short, it was good to be back with James Jerry and Joe again.
Tomorrow our target is Butte, Montana 445 miles away. We'll see how that goes.



  1. Glad you had that time with M & M, even though it was cut short.

  2. Good days....even if not enough...

  3. Glad you got to see your son and family..back to the 4 looks pretty lonely there..the new phone taking some great pics


  4. Mike, Now that are back in Jersey and I can use my computer instead of the IPad, maybe you will get this.
    Sorry we missed you in Portland, but it sounded like you time with Matt was short. Good to talk to you and glad you are on the eastbound leg of your trip. Enjoy and stay safe
    Jim 136

  5. Awesome adventure, major bucket list accomplishment. Enjoy be safe and may the wind always be at your back.

    Jon K.

  6. Have a good trip back to Jersey, don't forget souverners for your brothers back here on the east coast... Rich

  7. Are you sure you have enough clothes to wear? By the look of the luggage on your bike, looks like you have enough for a life

    Hope you guys enjoy Sturgis as much as I did when I was there. I'm sure James knows the area well and will be an excellent tour guide.

    If you stop in the Broken Spoke Saloon, say Hi to Jay the owner for me. Just tell him the Big Guy/Trooper from NJ that was in his Strong Man Contest at Laconia.
