Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 19

Rain rain rain rain rain.  We got on the road and not long afterward it started to rain. we stopped under an overpass to put our rain gear on. I even put my high tech rain gear over my GPS.  As you can see the sandwich size ziplock baggie works great.  We continued on for 3 hours in rain before we looked at the forecast and decided this was enough. We could hardly see in front of us, and I hit something that was dead in the road.  So we checked into the Econolodge near the Spokane Airport. Maybe will have some excitement at the Mexican restaurant and lounge across the street.

That's us while we were still dry loading up at the Hotel this morning.

One Thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's post. That Route 14 that we traveled for 136 miles along the Columbia River Gorge yesterday is part of the old Lewis and Clark Trail. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, that was a road kill Mexican in the road. Hope he wasn't the cook. lol
