Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 27

This morning we all went to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame.  But Jerry and I were the only ones to go inside. The woman letting us in said there was only 1 rule. We could take all the pictures we wanted, but looky no touchy.  Sort of like that girls panties I posted on Monday.  There were a lot of very old and vintage bikes on display.  More tan I have ever seen before.  I was hoping to see the Captain America Bike from the movie Easy Rider, but it was not there.  I was told there were 4 originals. One was stolen many years ago, and the other was destroyed during the making of the movie. I don't know if that all true, but that's what someone said. 
We met up with our friends Joe and Maureen from NJ Motor Cruisers, and had lunch with them at Knuckles Saloon.  After lunch we took a leisurely ride through Spearfish Canyon.  That was a nice slow ride through a very scenic area.  We were back to the hotel early and taking the shuttle to a place called The Firehouse Brewing Company. Then we will pack our things and prepare for the ride home tomorrow.


  1. Did I see a mention of "heading home"?
    Safe journey.

  2. Glad to see everything going well. Yes, is "heading home" in the future?
    Looking forward to seeing the "other" pics and stories....stay safe
    Jim 136

  3. Amazing trip Mike. I've seen alot from my trucking days but not the way you guys have. Per your question, I don't recognize anyone but you from the pictures youv'e posted. Certainly has been a trip to rember for a lifetime, until the next trip that is. See you soon..Keep on truckin'!


  4. Thanks for taking the time to write the blog and sharing all the pictures you have taken, it's really great sharing your adventure via the internet. Continue to Ride Safe and see you all when you get back here.
    Thanks again, Hank
