Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 21... Yellowstone

We we left Ennis and headed on our way towards Yellowstone in the morning. On our way towards the park, we saw antelope and bald eagles right next to the roadway.   But Yellowstone was truly amazing.  There is so much to See and so much to experience, that the few hours we spent there was simply not enough.  For me to try to describe it would only do it a huge injustice.  You have to experience it yourself.  We saw a moose, antelope and a heard of Buffalo in the park.  Part of the herd is behind Joe taking a picture across the street. Then later on those 2 Buffalo in the picture, crossed the road right in front of me.  Although we did not get to see Old Faithful, we did see a small geyser erupting right alongside the road.

After we left the park we took route 212 which is most famously known as the Beartooth Highway.  This was one amazing road and ride.  This road which reaches an elevation of 10,947 feet, still had snow along side of the road in parts.  It got very cold and very windy.  With the sharp hair pin turns at that high elevation with little or no guard rail, there were certainly some ass puckering moments.  We ended our day in Red Lodge Montana where we are spending the night.


  1. Wow! Looks like there were alot of cars along side of the road taking pictures...very cool!!
