Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 25

Today we went back into Sturgis early this morning so Jerry could get his new tattoo.  James was going to Full Throttle to get his free FTS tattoo, but by the time he got there it was too late to sign up for today.  He might be going back tomorrow morning even earlier.  As we rode out of town I videoed along the famous Main St. where all the bikes are parked. I cant wait to see  how it comes out and looks on a big screen. 

After leaving Sturgis, we went into Deadwood, and got to see the original sight of Saloon No. 10, where Wild Bill Hickok was shot.  They even had on display the chair he was sitting in when he was shot.  But to me, it looked a little too ornate for a bar chair in that time period.   We also got to see the original place where Jack McCall was caught for killing Wild Bill, and we also visited Wild Bill's and Calamity Jane's gravesite.  They do reenactments of the famous incident, but none were taking place when we were there.  It was very interesting the history of this town! 

Hopefully Mt. Rushmore tomorrow, but we'll plan that at dinner.


  1. guess today left a lasting impression on Jerry........literally~ glad you are seeing the sights.
    Love ya,

  2. just noticed that Wild BIll and Matthew have the same birthday date May 27th............

  3. Hope you all got tats!

