Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 26.. Mount Rushmore

Early this morning, James went back to the Full Throttle Saloon to wait and sign up for his free tattoo.  We heard from him, and he said he was third in line.  Then later he called and told us the Easy Rider Saloon was also doing free tattoos.  We knew we wouldn't be seeing him for a while, so the three of us went onto Mount Rushmore.  The monument is only 27 miles from out hotel.  The first sighting of Rushmore as we rode up to the memorial and visitors center was amazing. I hate to keep repeating myself, but this is just another experience that I cannot describe to you in words. You MUST come see it for yourself.  It was an awesome thing to behold and to be so close to.  Then as we went thought the visitors center looking at the pictures of the men that worked on this and made it possible.   It really gave me goose bumps. 

After Rushmore we went to Crazy Horse and then to Custer City.  On the way back from Custer, we experienced a lightning bolt so close, that it raised the hair on my head like static, and Jerry felt it in his hand.  So we pulled over right away in this old "antique" place. At least that is what the sign said.  It was more like a Sanford and Son establishment.  LOL.  I almost bought a buffalo skull for $79.  But then I thought, where would I put it?  So the skull is still there for my next trip out here. 

We have no idea what we're doing tomorrow yet.

All of us would like to thank Cindy picture here with me. Cindy is the front desk manager here at the Foothills Inn, both in the morning and sometimes in the evenings.  She has been  very friendly and a great help to us whenever we have any questions about the area.  So thank you Cindy.


  1. So glad you got to Rushmore. I think we have enough dead animals so I am glad you did not have room on the HD for the buffalo. Although I remember seeing Mike White with a bear on his bike! you could have make it work.
    PS Thanks again for the shirts. I was happy it wasn't a box of laundry again.


  2. So that's how you do send your laundry home to Liz...

    Beautiful pictures of Rushmore!!!


  3. Incredible scenery! Great stuff Mike.....makes me wanna go out and buy a bike!!!


  4. Pictures are great. Remember to keep your eyes on the road while sightseeing.
