Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 28... Heading home

Today we left the Foothills Inn, where we stayed last six nights, and started our trek back to New Jersey.  After about an hour on a road we stopped at the infamous Wall Drug on I-90.  What A tourist trap.   After a cup of coffee we continued on.  We got off I 90 and on to route 240 and drove through Badlands National Park Scenic Bypass.  This was just another in a long list of amazing rides on this trip.   The scenery was terrific, and it reminded me of a mini Grand Canyon as you will see from the pictures below.  

After the Badlands, we got back on I 90 and just burned up miles until the end of the day.  We ended our day in Beresford SD after 403 miles.  Then we topped today off with a great burger at Burtz. 

Today was probably our last day of sightseeing.  From here on in its just burning up the miles to get home.  


  1. Mike,
    The pictures of the Badlands are fantastic. My bucket list keeps getting bigger and bigger (Karen just doesnt know it yet)
    Be safe heading East

  2. Mike, Wow what great scenery there at the Badlands, I'm going to have to get out of jersey one of these days and see the rest of the country. Not on a bike though, probably a nice camper with a stove and a bathroom. Rich
