Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 1

Here we are, Jerry myself and Joe set to leave Toms River on our cross country motorcycle trip.   We are picking up James in about 10 minutes because he went to the wrong meeting Place.   I hope this isn't a sign of things to come . Although James has made this trip cross country on a motorcycle several times, it certainly is a bucket list thing for me. We will be leaving our families and friends for 4-5 weeks, and want to thank them for their support and for their patience during our absence.  They will be missed, and I will especially miss my little best buddy Derek.
I hope to be back with a recap of the first day later tonight. 


  1. Mike
    Glad to see you are finally on your way. Say hi to Jerry and Jim. Stay safe and I will be checking in on you guys !

  2. Can't wait to see pictures and hear stories of the road. TTYL

  3. Be safe big brother. Look forward to the pics and hearing all about your journey.
    ~Sharon (your little sister)

  4. Sounds like a good ride... a bit long... but ambitious!! Ride Safe and Enjoy!!

    Mike White
