Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You meet the nicest people

We met these folks at a little gas station in Austin Nevada. They are from Denmark on the left and Finland on the right. They had their cars container shipped here to Port Elizabeth, and are on a cross-country drive.   They are with a group of about 80 cars and over 200 people driving the Old Lincoln Highway coast to coast.  All the cars are classics.  They said they loved our country and were amazed how beautiful and BIG it is. 
The other couple with the deuce coupe are also from Denmark.
 The lady in the yellow Messerschmidt was videoing us as we rode past them. They were also with the Denmark contingent.  Could you imagine riding cross country in that thing?  Notice the extra gas can strapped on the back.


  1. life on the highway......great stories!

  2. How cool!!!!!I have got to show these to Dean Mazzoni.... He has 2 classic cars.....

    What awesome memories!!!!

  3. So Awesome A friend of my has a 1928 Motel A Roadster!Stay away from that Bunny Ranch LOL


  4. I'm looking at some of the old cars and rods and wondering how many breakdowns they might of had going cross country. Great pictures again! Love checking your Blog. Hank

  5. And I thought a Messerschmidt was an airplane!

