Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 10

We left Carson City and immediately went up and over the Sierra Nevada mountain range. It was another morning of fabulous riding.  We made it to Lake Tahoe in about 30 minutes. As you can see by the pictures on the previous post, the view was spectacular and the weather was perfect.  We rode 3/4 the way around the lake before our route took us south toward Mono Lake. We stopped and had lunch at Bert`s Cafe.  After lunch we once again went thru up and over the Sierra Nevada's via Monitor Pass. It was about 40 miles of high mountain riding, S curves and hairpin curves that were posted at 10 MPH. Much of that ride was above 7000 feet, and the top was 8314 feet.  It was amazing. In case you're wondering, yes that is snow atop those mountains.  If you can't read the sign behind Jerry, that's Old Pony Express Rd we were on.   We ended our day in a little town called Lee Vining which is right next to Mono Lake.  We settled on Murphy's after trying three other places in town but none of them had air conditioning .  That was going to be a must-have. 
It was only 200 miles today but when you're doing mountain roads like that you don't cover much territory. It also didn't afford me much opportunity to take many scenic pictures unless we stopped because I needed to keep both hands on the handlebars.

Tomorrow it's Tioga Pass and Yosemite National Park.

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