Monday, July 8, 2013

One week out

It's one week until the trip, and for weeks I've been preparing for it. I've been seen pacing between my living room and garage, and deep in thought about what Im doing.  From the excitement of accomplishing this monumental trip and scratching it off my bucket list, (but who's to say I won't want to do it again), to the thought of the physical toll it will take, to what it is going to be like to be away from home, family and friends for such a long time.  It's all been occupying a lot of my thought time.  But I'm finally of the mindset to just take it all one day at a time and share and document the experience on this Blog. Then there's the preparation and packing. I've serviced my bike and think I've prepared it well for what will be about a 7400 mile trip.  Including tools, repair kits and emergency equipment.  Obviously, I can't bring everything I might need.  As for what to bring for me?  It's not like loading a few suitcases into your car for a 4-5 week vacation. Space, is at a premium, and weight distribution are all factors carefully considered for safety and control of the bike while riding.  Among other things, there will definitely be a laundry day factored into our time management. But one thing I've learned from other long trips is to pack old worn out, ready for the trash t-shirts and underwear and just discard them after they have been worn.  Because inevitably, I'll be picking up some others along the way from places I'll be visiting.

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