Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Here we are underneath the St. Louis Arch


  1. Hey Mike,

    Figures you guys would wind up around St. Louis. Isn't that the home of Budweiser?
    First, thanks to Liz for explaining how to post on this thing. I've tried earlier ones and they're floating out in space somewhere. Hope I have better luck with this one.
    Looks like you guys are enjoying it so far. As long as you don't lose each other. Don't you have cel phones? The arch is fantastic. I think you can take a ride up that thing, right?
    Continue to ride safe and I'm enjoying the trip along with you.

  2. Glad to see you wearing short sleeve shirts now! Does you ass hurt? haha...

  3. The Arch looks really you guys need alittle of that !
    You all look toasted
    Keep the pics coming....stay safe
    Jim 136
