Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 14

Today started out cold, misty, foggy, and windy.  We took Route 1, the coastal highway until we got our first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean.  The Road was so winding and twisty and slow that we only managed 114 miles before lunchtime.  And because of the weather I just described all along the coast, we only saw small fraction of what would probably be a majestic scene if the weather was nice.
We had lunch at Bones Roadhouse and the pulled pork and smoke brisket was terrific.  But after lunch it was time for me to say adios to my three amigos.  While they continued north on coastal highway 1, I had to peel off and head east alone towards interstate 5. I'm doing this because tomorrow I'm heading up to Matt's house in Portland.  They will be meeting me there in a few days.  Not long after I left them, I went up and over a mountain range. As I descended the weather got warmer and the sun came out.  Once in the valley it was evident I was in wine country with miles and miles of grapes and pears.  It was up and over two more mountain ranges before I came to town of Williams, right on Interstate 5.  In the process, I saw the first wildlife since West Virginia when a coyote ran across the road right in front of me.
From here its 529 miles to Matt's house. I plan on being on the road early and I hope to be there by late tomorrow afternoon.