Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 6

Today started out with a brief shower before we left the hotel. Just enough to get everything wet (after I put my gear on the bike)  When we started out the morning was actually quite cool, and it never got above 90° all day. We really needed the relief from the heat.  We rode through a couple field fires on the road, but nothing that slowed us down. We also rode through a wind farm that must've had hundreds if not thousands of wind turbines. The ones we saw up close were quite impressive. 

Today we made 395 miles.  We are spending the night in Lamar Colorado. 

Tomorrow we ride through the Colorado Rockies. Things are about to change.


  1. Day 6 reminds me of a James Taylor song....I've seen fire and I've seen rain...........just be glad you aren't here to hear me singing it.
    Lousy at remembering all the lyrics liz

  2. Nice to hear you had relief from the heat....getting cooler means you are getting closer to Portland !
    Went out for my first longer ride with Billy today...was comfortable and as we got back, started to hear up. Some relief here as well.
    Looking forward to seeing what the Rockies are like !
    Stay safe
    Jim 136
