Monday, July 15, 2013

Okay it's the end of day one. I don't know  why the original day 1  post it says its Saturday, but it's Monday, July 15.  We did 496 miles today and are spending the night in Parkersburg West Virginia. It was a really hot day to be riding, and the worst part was on 95 and going through Baltimore. My temperature gauge started touching 100.  But once we got into the mountains of western Maryland and West Virginia the temperature dropped and it was quite a pleasant ride. The part of Rt. 50 we rode today was a nice highway for riding, and it was very scenic through the mountains. For those of you that can relate to this, imagine the Northway in New York with A LOT of mountainous curves. Oh and let's throw in the occasional cross street with cars that have to floor it to get across.  But overall great road to be riding so far.  We're now off to "plan" tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Nice analogy, the north country is always on my mind! enjoy your AC and rest up for tomorrow.
