Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 15

I start out this morning at 5:20 a.m. Pacific time headed towards Portland. I made it about 160 miles on Interstate 5 when I got a flat rear tire. Right now I'm in a little town called Dunsmir.  Dunsmuir I just found out is famous for fly fishing, and coincidentally I'm in front of the Dunsmuir Rod Company.  Apparently fine purveyors of top quality bamboo fly rods. Too bad I'm not here to fish.  I have a tow truck on the way, and they're taking me backwards 50 miles to a Harley Davidson dealership in Redding. 
Stay tuned folks I'll let you know how I make out.
News flash.  The Harley dealership is closed on Mondays.  I guess I'm staying in Redding for the night and probably a good portion of tomorrow.
Well after the tow truck driver picked me up, we called the Ins. Co. and they authorized him to tow me to Medford Oregon. So that's about 86 miles forward instead of 55 miles backward. 
Well the dealership as it turns out is in town called Phoenix not Medford.  And Phoenix is a shit hole. I didn't leave my bike in front of the dealership. I had the tow truck driver drop me and the bike off at a motel about a mile away. I'd rather push it that mile than leave my bike out in it overnight.


  1. maybe you should go fishing.
    Just another story in the journey.
    Sending good energy from positivity overload Liz.
    PS the phone made 3 things so now you are done.

  2. Wow that sure does suck Mike!!!!
    Good vibes sent your way!!!
    Have a nice couple of cold ones!!!!!

    1. Forgot again......maybe I need a cold one.....

  3. Sorry for the minor setbacks for you guys, but it's all part of the story you'll be telling for years. Love following your exploits. Smile knowing that when you guys are in your favorite pub back home, this is what you'll be drinking to!!


  4. Sorry to hear about the flat tire but the good part is, you didn't go down with the bike while riding. Not too much you can do on the road with a flat rear tire. Waiting for the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. Don't worry be happy (Bob Marley)LOL

  5. Your new phone is taking clearer pictures. The pictures are great. The flat tire is a bump in the road compared to the awesome adventure you are having. Stay Safe, Bob Fielding

  6. Sorry about your flat! Happy that you are ok...maybe fly fishing would've a nice change of pace. Love the updates

